Tuesday 1 July 2014

Torture and Threats at John Polk Correctional Centre

Letter from Bill White to Harold Covington:

Source: downwithjugears.blogspot.com

June 24th, 2014

Hello, Harold:

Terrible things are happening, and I only hope this letter is able to reach you.

I almost died yesterday, and I’ve gotten one concession–I have been moved to a larger cell with dimmer lights. As you know, the jail tortured me with terrible bright lights for 34 days, from May 20 to June 23. On June 17, shortly after I made the mistake of mentioning I’d sued the jail, they began provoking confrontations. That night, after being awakened again in the middle of the night, I stopped eating and drinking until six days later when they took me to medical and let me sleep in a dark room. I lost 18 pounds.

Today, after eating and drinking water, my blood pressure stabilized. I am still weak, my innards are a mess, and I may have kidney or liver damage. I am not permitted to recuperate in medical, and I am now back in the isolator.

The day after the jail began its provocations, a Sergeant [name redacted] decided to physically and sexually threaten me. He threw me against the wall in handcuffs and threatened me with a drawn taser after describing to me his sexual fantasies about stripping me naked and watching me on camera. Then he ordered me to stop complaining.

While I lay dying–and if I was not moved, it was entirely my intention to follow through to death–the jail also cut off all my communication with the outside world. They may still be cut off. If this letter reaches you, they are not.

I have no phone access and only today was allowed to buy stamps. I was told by the jail that I could only send legal mail and that before I could send it they would read it to determine whether it was about my case or a “personal” letter to my attorney, i.e. whether I was discussing the mistreatment to which I have been subjected.

Also, throughout this entire time the jail was lying about me. A roly-poly buffoon, one Captain [name redacted] sent out an e-mail comparing my lawsuit about the torture to an inmate complaining that someone else’s piece of cake was bigger. [It is not clear to whom this e-mail was sent. - HAC] Knowing that I was dying, this chucklehead just laughed and slouched it off–”that’s inmates for you.”

What is happening in this place, Harold, can only be described as pure evil. Yet the fault for this evil equally lies with those who tolerate it.

I would like to say more, but I can’t. I am waiting for more news. The lights have been turned down–a small thing. Things are happening, and I will let you know of them if and when I can. I don’t know, really, if I am okay or not, or what they are planning.

* * *

Personal from HAC: In my opinion it defies credibility that the United States Attorney prosecuting this case is unaware of the mistreatment of a federal prisoner by the creatures who control the Seminole County jail, or that he could not put a stop to it with a single phone call. I consider it highly probable that he or someone above him in the hideously misnamed Justice Department actually ordered it, to punish Bill White for refusing to plead guilty to a crime they are acutely aware he did not commit, and spare them the embarrassment of a trial in the Facebook case which could blow up in their faces.

The foulness that rules this land must be brought to an end

Friday 27 June 2014

Bill White Trial Gossip: Bill White stages hunger strike against human righ...

Bill White Trial Gossip: Bill White stages hunger strike against human righ...: Bill White stages hunger strike against human rights violations in the Seminole County Jail/John Polk Correctional Centre. Claims no natur...

Sunday 17 November 2013

Centuries of Revolution: Bill White Accuses Craig Cobb of being Involved in...

Centuries of Revolution: Bill White Accuses Craig Cobb of being Involved in...: A while ago there was a kerfuffle and much bollocks was expressed on VNN Forum concerning a letter Bill White wrote warning people that Cra...

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Further Rebuttal: Today’s Roanoke Times Article

“Any newspaper, from the first line to the last, is nothing but a web of horrors, I cannot understand how an innocent hand can touch a newspaper without convulsing in disgust.” – Charles Baudelaire

Following swiftly on the heels of the last news item, the Roanoke Times has decided that the unpleasant issues surrounding Bill White’s messy divorce proceedings remain news-worthy.

Unfortunately the request for an anonymous jury has been granted, despite this being a massive waste of time, an unnecessary drain of tax payers resources, and designed to intimidate the jurors so that they are predisposed to find Bill White guilty of sending these alleged emails (which he denies any knowledge of).

Personally, I fail to understand what precisely the jury needs protection from. As mentioned earlier, there has been no violence anywhere in this case nor in any past case, and the majority of this incident revolves around the implication that emails may have been sent – which is even at its worst is an extremely trivial matter.

As Bill White is already in prison and hence not able to communicate via the internet, he is not currently in a position to have any access to such things.

Furthermore, no private information on civilians would be posted here, nor I am aware of any correspondents of Bill’s who would do such a terrible thing. Therefore it is reasonable to conclude that the precaution is ultimately unnecessary. I do not believe jurors are at any risk of receiving emails or require protection from the internet.

I maintain that Bill White is perfectly harmless and though some people may be offended by his ideas, the concept of ‘thought crime’ (as in the 1984 sense) should not be legally condoned nor used any further to vilify Bill White.

I’d also like to take this moment to say: It’s just a god damned email and I would urge anyone with a degree of sanity and whom is not completely morally bankrupt to get the correct perspective on this matter, as it sets a precedent for miscarriage of justice in all divorce proceedings, which can affect everyone – not just past political activists


Saturday 19 October 2013

Bill White Roanoke: Reply to the Roanoke Times Article

Bill White Roanoke: Reply to the Roanoke Times Article: Reply to the article by Jeff Sturgeon 19/10/2013 The Roanoke Times decided to bestow another hyper-inflated article on Bill White this mor...

Thursday 29 August 2013

BIll White Trial Information


The permanent website address of information on issues pertaining to Bill White, trials, writing, and letters pertaining to Bill White etc is: http://billwhiteblog.wordpress.com/